Source code for kombine.clustered_kde

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The kernel density estimators.

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals)

import numpy as np
import as ma
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from scipy import linalg as la
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, vq

# Avoid log(0) warnings when weights go to 0

[docs]def optimized_kde(data, pool=None, kde=None, max_samples=None, **kwargs): """ Iteratively run a k-means clustering algorithm, estimating the distibution of each identified cluster with an independent kernel density estimate. Starting with ``k = 1``, the distribution is estimated and the Bayes Information criterion (BIC) is calculated. `k` is increased until the BIC stops increasing. :param data: An `(N, ndim)`-shaped array, containing `N` samples from the target distribution. :param pool: (optional) A pool of processes with a :func:`map` function to use. :param kde: (optional) An old KDE to inherit samples from. :param max_samples: (optional) The maximum number of samples to use for constructing or updating the KDE. If a KDE is supplied and adding the samples from it will go over this, old samples are thinned by factors of two until under the limit. :param kwargs: (optional) Keyword arguments to pass to :class:`ClusteredKDE`. :returns: :meth:`ClusteredKDE` that maximizes the BIC. """ # Trim data if too many samples were given n_new = len(data) if kde is None and n_new == 0: return None if max_samples is not None and max_samples <= n_new: data = data[:max_samples] else: # Combine data, thinning old data if we need room if kde is not None: old_data = if max_samples is not None: nsamps = len(old_data) + n_new while nsamps > max_samples: old_data = old_data[::2] nsamps = len(old_data) + n_new if n_new == 0: # If there's no new data, just use the old data = old_data else: # Otherwise combine the old and the new data = np.concatenate((old_data, data)) best_bic = -np.inf best_kde = None k = 1 while True: try: kde = ClusteredKDE(data, k, **kwargs) bic = kde.bic(pool=pool) except la.LinAlgError: bic = -np.inf if bic > best_bic: best_kde = kde best_bic = bic else: break k += 1 return best_kde
[docs]class ClusteredKDE(object): """ Run a k-means clustering algorithm, estimating the distibution of each identified cluster with an independent kernel density estimate. The full distibution is then estimated by combining the individual KDE's, weighted by the fraction of samples assigned to each cluster. :param data: An `(N, ndim)`-shaped array, containing `N` samples from the target distribution. :param k: The number of clusters for k-means clustering. """ def __init__(self, data, k=1): self._data = data self._nclusters = k self._mean = np.mean(data, axis=0) self._std = np.std(data, axis=0) # Cluster data that's mean 0 and scaled to unit width in each parameter independently white_data = self._whiten(data) self._centroids, _ = kmeans(white_data, k) self._assignments, _ = vq(white_data, self.centroids) self._kdes = [KDE([self.assignments == c]) for c in range(k)] self._logweights = np.log([np.count_nonzero(self.assignments == c)/self.size for c in range(k)])
[docs] def draw(self, size=1): """Draw `size` samples from the KDE.""" # Pick clusters randomly with the assigned weights cumulative_weights = np.cumsum(np.exp(self._logweights)) clusters = np.searchsorted(cumulative_weights, np.random.rand(size)) draws = np.empty((size, self.ndim)) for cluster in range(self.nclusters): sel = clusters == cluster draws[sel] = self._kdes[cluster].draw(np.count_nonzero(sel)) return draws
[docs] def logpdf(self, pts, pool=None): """Evaluate the logpdf of the KDE at `pts`.""" logpdfs = [logweight + kde(pts, pool=pool) for logweight, kde in zip(self._logweights, self._kdes)] if len(pts.shape) == 1: return logsumexp(logpdfs) else: return logsumexp(logpdfs, axis=0)
def _whiten(self, data): """Whiten `data`, probably before running k-means.""" return (data - self._mean)/self._std def _color(self, data): """Recolor `data`, reversing :meth:`_whiten`.""" return data * self._std + self._mean
[docs] def bic(self, pool=None): r""" Evaluate Bayes Information Criterion for the KDE's estimate of the distribution .. math:: \mathrm{BIC} = \mathrm{ln}\mathcal{L}_\mathrm{max} - \frac{d_m}{2} \mathrm{ln} N where :math:`d_m` is the number of dimensions of the KDE model (:math:`n_\mathrm{clusters} d` centroid location parameters, :math:`n_\mathrm{clusters} - 1` normalized weights, and :math:`n_\mathrm{clusters} (d+1)*d/2` kernel covariance parameters, one matrix for each of :math:`n_\mathrm{clusters}` clusters), and :math:`N` is the number of samples used to build the KDE. """ log_l = np.sum(self.logpdf(, pool=pool)) # Determine the total number of parameters in clustered-KDE # Account for centroid locations nparams = self.nclusters * self.ndim # One for each cluster, minus one for constraint that all sum to unity nparams += self.nclusters - 1 # Separate kernel covariances for each cluster nparams += self.nclusters * (self.ndim + 1) * self.ndim/2 return log_l - nparams/2 * np.log(self.size)
@property def data(self): """Samples used to build the KDE.""" return self._data @property def nclusters(self): """The number of clusters used for k-means.""" return self._nclusters @property def assignments(self): """Cluster assignments from k-means.""" return self._assignments @property def centroids(self): """Cluster centroids from k-means.""" return self._centroids @property def ndim(self): """The number of dimensions of the KDE.""" return[1] @property def size(self): """The number of samples used to build the KDE.""" return[0] __call__ = logpdf __len__ = size
[docs]class KDE(object): """ A Gaussian kernel density estimator that provides a means for evaluating the estimated probability density function, and drawing additional samples from the estimated distribution. Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix makes this class a bit more stable than the :mod:`scipy`'s Gaussian KDE. :param data: An `(N, ndim)`-shaped array, containing `N` samples from the target distribution. """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = np.atleast_2d(data) self._mean = np.mean(data, axis=0) self._cov = None if[0] > 1: try: self._cov = np.cov(data.T) # Try factoring now to see if regularization is needed la.cho_factor(self._cov) except la.LinAlgError: self._cov = oas_cov(data) self._set_bandwidth() def __enter__(self): return self def _set_bandwidth(self): r""" Use Scott's rule to set the kernel bandwidth: .. math:: \mathcal{K} = n^{-1/(d+4)} \Sigma^{1/2} Also store Cholesky decomposition for later. """ if self.size > 0 and self._cov is not None: self._kernel_cov = self._cov * self.size ** (-2/(self.ndim + 4)) # Used to evaluate PDF with cho_solve() self._cho_factor = la.cho_factor(self._kernel_cov) # Make sure the estimated PDF integrates to 1.0 self._lognorm = self.ndim/2 * np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(self.size) +\ np.sum(np.log(np.diag(self._cho_factor[0]))) else: self._lognorm = -np.inf
[docs] def draw(self, size=1): """ Draw samples from the estimated distribution. """ # Return nothing if this is an empty KDE if self.size == 0: return [] # Draw vanilla samples from a zero-mean multivariate Gaussian draws = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.ndim), self._kernel_cov, size=size) # Pick N random kernels as means kernels = np.random.randint(0, self.size, size) # Shift vanilla draws to be about chosen kernels return[kernels] + draws
[docs] def logpdf(self, pts, pool=None): """Evaluate the logpdf at `pts` as estimated by the KDE.""" pts = np.atleast_2d(pts) npts, ndim = pts.shape assert ndim == self.ndim # Apply across the pool if it exists if pool: this_map = else: this_map = map # Return -inf if this is an empty KDE if np.isinf(self._lognorm): results = np.zeros(npts) - np.inf else: args = [(pt,, self._cho_factor) for pt in pts] results = list(this_map(_evaluate_point_logpdf, args)) # Normalize and return return np.array(results) - self._lognorm
@property def data(self): """Samples used to build the KDE.""" return self._data @property def ndim(self): """The number of dimensions of the KDE.""" return[1] @property def size(self): """The number of samples used to build the KDE.""" return[0] __len__ = size __call__ = logpdf
[docs]def unique_spaces(mask): """ Determine the unique sets of dimensions based on a mask. Inverted 1D masks are returned to use as selectors. """ ncols = mask.shape[1] # Do some magic with views so `np.unique` can be used to find the unique sets of dimensions. dtype = mask.dtype.descr * ncols struct = mask.view(dtype) uniq = np.unique(struct) uniq = uniq.view(mask.dtype).reshape(-1, ncols) return ~uniq
[docs]class TransdimensionalKDE(object): """ A generalized Gaussian kernel density estimator that reads masked arrays, constructs a :class:`ClusteredKDE` using :func:`optimized_kde` for each unique parameter space, then weighs the KDEs based on the number of samples in each parameter space. :param data: An `(N, max_dim)`-shaped masked array, containing N samples from the the target distribution. :param kde: (optional) An old trans-dimensional KDE to inherit samples from. :param max_samples: (optional) The maximum number of samples to use for constructing or updating the kde in each unique parameter space. If a KDE is supplied and adding the samples from `data` will go over this, old samples are thinned by factors of two until under the limit in each parameter space. """ def __init__(self, data, kde=None, max_samples=None, pool=None): npts_new, max_ndim = data.shape self._max_ndim = max_ndim if kde is None: # Save an (inverted) mask for each unique set of dimensions self._spaces = unique_spaces(data.mask) else: # Inherit old space definitions, in case the new sample has no points in a subspace self._spaces = kde.spaces # Construct a separate clustered-KDE for each parameter space weights = [] self._kdes = [] for space_id, space in enumerate(self.spaces): # Construct a selector for the samples from this space subspace = np.all(~data.mask == space, axis=1) # Determine weights from only the new samples npts_subspace = np.count_nonzero(subspace) weight = npts_subspace/npts_new weights.append(weight) fixd_data = data[subspace] if npts_subspace > 0: fixd_data = np.asarray(fixd_data[~fixd_data.mask].reshape((npts_subspace, -1))) old_kde = None if kde is not None: old_kde = kde.kdes[space_id] self._kdes.append(optimized_kde(fixd_data, pool, old_kde, max_samples)) self._logweights = np.log(np.array(weights))
[docs] def draw(self, size=1, spaces=None): """ Draw samples from the transdimensional distribution. """ if spaces is not None: if len(spaces) != size: raise ValueError('Sample size inconsistent with number of spaces saved') space_inds = np.empty(size) for space_id, space in enumerate(self.spaces): subspace = np.all(spaces == space, axis=1) space_inds[subspace] = space_id else: # Draws spaces randomly with the assigned weights cumulative_weights = np.cumsum(np.exp(self._logweights)) space_inds = np.searchsorted(cumulative_weights, np.random.rand(size)) draws = ma.masked_all((size, self._max_ndim)) for space_id in range(len(self.spaces)): sel = space_inds == space_id n_fixedd = np.count_nonzero(sel) if n_fixedd > 0: # Populate only the valid entries for this parameter space draws[np.ix_(sel, self._spaces[space_id])] = self.kdes[space_id].draw(n_fixedd) return draws
[docs] def logpdf(self, pts, pool=None): """Evaluate the log-transdimensional-pdf at `pts` as estimated by the KDE.""" logpdfs = [] for logweight, space, kde in zip(self._logweights, self.spaces, self.kdes): # Calculate the probability for each parameter space individually if np.all(space == ~pts.mask) and np.isfinite(logweight): logpdfs.append(logweight + kde(pts[space], pool=pool)) return logsumexp(logpdfs, axis=0)
@property def kdes(self): """List of fixed-dimension :meth:`ClusteredKDE` s""" return self._kdes @property def spaces(self): """Unique sets of dimensions, usable as selectors.""" return self._spaces __call__ = logpdf
def _evaluate_point_logpdf(args): """ Evaluate the Gaussian KDE at a given point `p`. This lives outside the KDE method to allow for parallelization using :mod:`multipocessing`. Since :func:`map` only allows single-argument functions, the following arguments to be packed into a single tuple. :param p: The point to evaluate the KDE at. :param data: The `(N, ndim)`-shaped array of data used to construct the KDE. :param cho_factor: A Cholesky decomposition of the kernel covariance matrix. """ point, data, cho_factor = args # Use Cholesky decomposition to avoid direct inversion of covariance matrix diff = data - point tdiff = la.cho_solve(cho_factor, diff.T, check_finite=False).T diff *= tdiff # Work in the log to avoid large numbers return logsumexp(-np.sum(diff, axis=1)/2)
[docs]def oas_cov(pts): r""" Estimate the covariance matrix using the Oracle Approximating Shrinkage algorithm .. math:: (1 - s)\Sigma + s \mu \mathcal{I}_d where :math:`\mu = \mathrm{tr}(\Sigma) / d`. This ensures the covariance matrix estimate is well behaved for small sample sizes. :param pts: An `(N, ndim)`-shaped array, containing `N` samples from the target distribution. This follows the implementation in `scikit-learn < sklearn/covariance/>`_. """ pts = np.atleast_2d(pts) npts, ndim = pts.shape emperical_cov = np.cov(pts.T) mean = np.trace(emperical_cov) / ndim alpha = np.mean(emperical_cov * emperical_cov) num = alpha + mean * mean den = (npts + 1) * (alpha - (mean * mean) / ndim) shrinkage = min(num / den, 1) shrunk_cov = (1 - shrinkage) * emperical_cov shrunk_cov[np.diag_indices(ndim)] += shrinkage * mean return shrunk_cov