Source code for kombine.sampler

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A kernel-density-based, embarrassingly parallel ensemble sampler.

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals)

from .utils import mp_safe_blas, disable_openblas_threading

if not mp_safe_blas():
    from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
    from .interruptible_pool import Pool

from .serialpool import SerialPool
import numpy as np
import as ma

from scipy.stats import chisquare

from .clustered_kde import optimized_kde, TransdimensionalKDE

class _GetLnProbWrapper(object):
    """Convenience class for evaluating multiple probability densities at a single point."""
    def __init__(self, lnpost, kde, *args):
        self.lnpost = lnpost
        self.kde = kde
        self.args = args

    def lnprobs(self, p):
        Evaluate the log probability density of the stored target distribution fuction
        and KDE at `p`.

        :param p: Location to evaluate probability densties at.

        :returns: ``lnpost(p)``, ``kde(p)``
        result = self.lnpost(p, *self.args)
        kde = self.kde(p)

        # allow posterior function to optionally
        # return additional metadata
            lnpost = result[0]
            blob = result[1]
            return lnpost, kde, blob
        except (IndexError, TypeError):
            lnpost = result
            return lnpost, kde

    __call__ = lnprobs

[docs]class Sampler(object): """ An Ensemble sampler. The :attr:`chain` member of this object has the shape: `(nsteps, nwalkers, ndim)` where `nsteps` is the stored number of steps taken thus far. :param nwalkers: The number of individual MCMC chains to include in the ensemble. :param ndim: Number of dimensions in the parameter space. If `transd` is ``True`` this is the number of unique dimensions across the parameter spaces. :param lnpostfn: A function that takes a vector in the parameter space as input and returns the natural logarithm of the posterior probability for that position. :param transd: If ``True``, the sampler will operate across parameter spaces using a :class:`.clustered_kde.TransdimensionalKDE` proposal distribution. In this mode a masked array with samples in each of the possible sets of dimensions must be given for the initial ensemble distribution. :param processes: (optional) The number of processes to use with :mod:`multiprocessing`. If ``None``, all available cores are used. :param pool: (optional) A pre-constructed pool with a map method. If ``None`` a pool will be created using :mod:`multiprocessing`. """ def __init__(self, nwalkers, ndim, lnpostfn, transd=False, processes=None, pool=None, args=[]): self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.dim = ndim self._kde = None self._kde_size = self.nwalkers self._updates = [] self._get_lnpost = lnpostfn self._lnpost_args = args self.iterations = 0 self.stored_iterations = 0 self.processes = processes if pool is not None: self.pool = pool elif self.processes == 1: self.pool = SerialPool() else: # create a multiprocessing pool self.pool = Pool(self.processes) if not hasattr(self.pool, 'map'): raise AttributeError("Pool object must have a map() method.") self._transd = transd if self._transd: self._chain = ma.masked_all((0, self.nwalkers, self.dim)) else: self._chain = np.zeros((0, self.nwalkers, self.dim)) self._lnpost = np.empty((0, self.nwalkers)) self._lnprop = np.empty((0, self.nwalkers)) self._acceptance = np.zeros((0, self.nwalkers)) self._blobs = [] self._last_run_mcmc_result = None self._burnin_spaces = None self._failed_p = None
[docs] def burnin(self, p0=None, lnpost0=None, lnprop0=None, blob0=None, test_steps=16, max_steps=None, verbose=False, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Evolve an ensemble until the acceptance rate becomes roughly constant. This is done by splitting acceptances in half and checking for statistical consistency. This isn't guaranteed to return a fully burned-in ensemble, but usually does. :param p0: (optional) A list of the initial walker positions. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. If ``None`` and the sampler has been run previously, it'll pick up where it left off. :param lnpost0: (optional) The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnpost0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param lnprop0: (optional) List of log proposal densities for walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnprop0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param blob0: (optional) The list of blob data for walkers at positions `p0`. :param test_steps: (optional) The (rough) number of accepted steps over which to check for acceptance rate consistency. If you find burnin repeatedly ending prematurely try increasing this. :param max_steps: (optional) An absolute maximum number of steps to take, in case burnin is too painful. :param verbose: (optional) Print status messages each time a milestone is reached in the burnin. :param kwargs: (optional) The rest is passed to :meth:`run_mcmc`. After burnin... :returns: * ``p`` - A list of the current walker positions with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnpost`` - Array of log posterior probabilities for walkers at positions `p`; has shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnprop`` - Array of log proposal densities for walkers at positions `p`; has shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``blob`` - (if `lnprobfn` returns blobs) The list of blob data for the walkers at positions `p`. """ if p0 is not None: p0 = np.atleast_2d(p0) # Determine the maximum iteration to look for start = self.iterations # Confine walkers to their space during burnin freeze_transd = False if self._transd: freeze_transd = True self._burnin_spaces = ~p0.mask max_iter = np.inf if max_steps is not None: max_iter = start + max_steps step_size = 2 while step_size <= test_steps: # Update the proposal if p0 is not None: self.update_proposal(p0, max_samples=self.nwalkers) lnprop0 = self._kde(p0) if verbose: print('Updated proposal') # Take one step to estimate acceptance rate test_interval = 1 results = self.run_mcmc(test_interval, p0, lnpost0, lnprop0, blob0, freeze_transd=freeze_transd, spaces=self._burnin_spaces, **kwargs) try: p, lnpost, lnprop, blob = results except ValueError: p, lnpost, lnprop = results blob = None # Use the fraction of acceptances in the last step to estimate acceptance rate # Bottom out at 1% if acceptances are really bad last_acc_rate = max(np.mean(self.acceptance[-1]), 0.01) # Estimate ACT based on acceptance act = int(np.ceil(2.0/last_acc_rate - 1.0)) if verbose: print('Single-step acceptance rate is ', last_acc_rate) print('Producing ACT of ', act) # Use the ACT to set the new test interval, but avoid # overstepping a specified max. We throw away the first # 2*act worth of steps as an initial burnin when comparing # acceptance rates test_interval = min((step_size+2)*act, max_iter - self.iterations) # Make sure we're taking at least one step test_interval = max(test_interval, 1) results = self.run_mcmc(test_interval, p, lnpost, lnprop, blob, freeze_transd=freeze_transd, spaces=self._burnin_spaces, **kwargs) try: p, lnpost, lnprop, blob = results except ValueError: p, lnpost, lnprop = results blob = None if callback is not None: callback(self) # Quit if we hit the max if self.iterations >= max_iter: print("Burnin hit {} iterations before completing.".format(max_iter)) break # Only check for consistency past the burn-in stage of 2*act if self.consistent_acceptance_rate(window_size=step_size*act): if verbose: print('Acceptance rate constant over ', step_size, ' ACTs') step_size *= 2 else: if verbose: print('Acceptance rate varies, trying again') if verbose: print('') # Newline p0, lnpost0, lnprop0, blob0 = p, lnpost, lnprop, blob if blob is None: return p, lnpost, lnprop else: return p, lnpost, lnprop, blob
[docs] def sample(self, p0=None, lnpost0=None, lnprop0=None, blob0=None, iterations=1, kde=None, update_interval=None, kde_size=None, freeze_transd=False, spaces=None, storechain=True, **kwargs): """ Advance the ensemble `iterations` steps as a generator. :param p0: (optional) A list of the initial walker positions. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. If ``None`` and a proposal distribution exists, walker positions will be drawn from the proposal. :param lnpost0: (optional) The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnpost0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param lnprop0: (optional) List of log proposal densities for walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnprop0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param blob0: (optional) The list of blob data for walkers at positions `p0`. :param iterations: (optional) The number of steps to run. :param kde: (optional) An already-constucted, evaluatable KDE with a ``draw`` method. :param update_interval: (optional) Number of steps between proposal updates. :param kde_size: (optional) Maximum sample size for KDE construction. When the KDE is updated, existing samples are thinned by factors of two until there's enough room for `nwalkers` new samples. The default is `nwalkers`, and must be greater than :math:`\geq``nwalkers` if specified. :param freeze_transd: (optional) If ``True`` when transdimensional sampling, walkers are confined to their parameter space. This is helpful during burnin, and allows fox fixed-D burnin before transdimensional sampling. :param spaces: (optional) Confine walkers to the requested parameter spaces. Expects an inverted mask with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param storechain: (optional) Flag for disabling chain and probability density storage in :attr:`chain`, :attr:`lnpost`, and :attr:`lnprop`. :param kwargs: (optional) The rest is passed to :meth:`update_proposal`. After each iteration... :yields: * ``p`` - An array of current walker positions with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnpost`` - The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions ``p``, with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnprop`` - The list of log proposal densities for the walkers at positions `p`, with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``blob`` - (if `lnprobfn` returns blobs) The list of blob data for the walkers at positions `p`. """ if p0 is None: p = self.draw(self.nwalkers) else: try: # Try copying to preserve array type (i.e.masked or not) p = p0.copy() except AttributeError: # If not already an array, make it a non-masked array by default. # Operations with masked arrays can be slow. p = np.array(p0, copy=True) m = if kde_size: self._kde_size = kde_size # Build a proposal if one doesn't already exist if kde is not None: self._kde = kde elif self._kde is None: self.update_proposal(p, max_samples=self._kde_size, **kwargs) lnprop0 = self._kde(p) lnpost = lnpost0 lnprop = lnprop0 blob = blob0 if lnpost is None or lnprop is None: results = list(m(_GetLnProbWrapper(self._get_lnpost, self._kde, *self._lnpost_args), p)) lnpost = np.array([r[0] for r in results]) if lnpost is None else lnpost lnprop = np.array([r[1] for r in results]) if lnprop is None else lnprop if blob is None: try: blob = [r[2] for r in results] except IndexError: blob = None # ensure blob has the right shape if blob is None: blob = [None]*self.nwalkers # Prepare arrays for storage ahead of time self._acceptance = np.concatenate((self._acceptance, np.zeros((iterations, self.nwalkers)))) if storechain: # Make sure to mask things if the stored chain has a mask if hasattr(self._chain, "mask"): self._chain = ma.concatenate((self._chain, ma.masked_all((iterations, self.nwalkers, self.dim)))) else: self._chain = np.concatenate((self._chain, np.zeros((iterations, self.nwalkers, self.dim)))) self._lnpost = np.concatenate((self._lnpost, np.zeros((iterations, self.nwalkers)))) self._lnprop = np.concatenate((self._lnprop, np.zeros((iterations, self.nwalkers)))) for i in range(int(iterations)): try: if freeze_transd and spaces is None: spaces = ~p.mask # Draw new walker locations from the proposal p_p = self.draw(self.nwalkers, spaces=spaces) # Calculate the posterior probability and proposal density # at the proposed locations try: results = list(m(_GetLnProbWrapper(self._get_lnpost, self._kde, *self._lnpost_args), p_p)) lnpost_p = np.array([r[0] for r in results]) lnprop_p = np.array([r[1] for r in results]) try: blob_p = [r[2] for r in results] except IndexError: blob_p = None # Catch any exceptions and exit gracefully except Exception as e: self.rollback(self.stored_iterations) self._failed_p = p_p print("Offending samples stored in ``failed_p``.") raise # Calculate the (ln) Metropolis-Hastings ratio ln_mh_ratio = lnpost_p - lnpost + lnprop - lnprop_p # Accept if ratio is greater than 1 acc = ln_mh_ratio > 0 # Decide which of the remainder will be accepted worse = ~acc nworse = np.count_nonzero(worse) uniform_draws = np.random.rand(nworse) acc[worse] = ln_mh_ratio[worse] > np.log(uniform_draws) # Update locations and probability densities if np.any(acc): p[acc] = p_p[acc] lnpost[acc] = lnpost_p[acc] lnprop[acc] = lnprop_p[acc] if blob_p is None: blob = None else: blob = [blob_p[i] if a else blob[i] for i, a in enumerate(acc)] self._acceptance[self.iterations, :] = acc # Update the proposal at the requested interval if self.trigger_update(update_interval): self.update_proposal(p, max_samples=self._kde_size, **kwargs) lnprop = self._kde(p) if storechain: # Store stuff self._chain[self.stored_iterations, :, :] = p self._lnpost[self.stored_iterations, :] = lnpost self._lnprop[self.stored_iterations, :] = lnprop if blob: self._blobs.append(blob) self.stored_iterations += 1 self.iterations += 1 # create generator for sampled points if blob: yield p, lnpost, lnprop, blob else: yield p, lnpost, lnprop except KeyboardInterrupt: # Resize arrays to remove allocated but unfilled elements if storechain: self.rollback(self.stored_iterations) raise
[docs] def ln_ev(self, ndraws): """Produces a Monte-Carlo estimate of the evidence integral using the current propasal. :param ndraws: The number of draws to make from the proposal for the evidence estimate. :return: ``(lnZ, dlnZ)``. Evidence estimate and associated uncertainty. """ pts = self.draw(ndraws) m = results = list(m(_GetLnProbWrapper(self._get_lnpost, self._kde, *self._lnpost_args), pts)) lnpost = np.array([r[0] for r in results]) lnprop = np.array([r[1] for r in results]) lninteg = lnpost - lnprop lnZ = np.logaddexp.reduce(lninteg) - np.log(lninteg.shape[0]) lnZ2 = np.logaddexp.reduce(2.0*lninteg) - np.log(lninteg.shape[0]) # sigma^2 = <Z^2> - <Z>^2 # log(sigma^2) = log(<Z^2>) + log(1 - <Z>^2/<Z^2>) # Standard error = sqrt(sigma^2/N) lnsZ = 0.5*(lnZ2 + np.log1p(-np.exp(2.0*lnZ - lnZ2)) - np.log(lninteg.shape[0])) # dlnZ = sigma / Z dlnZ = np.exp(lnsZ - lnZ) return lnZ, dlnZ
[docs] def draw(self, size, spaces=None): """ Draw `size` samples from the current proposal distribution. :param size: Number of samples to draw. :param spaces: If not ``None`` while transdimensional sampling, draws are confined to the requested spaces. Such a thing is useful for burnin (e.g. ``spaces = ~p.mask``). :returns: `size` draws from the proposal distribution. """ if self._transd: draws = self._kde.draw(size, spaces=spaces) else: draws = self._kde.draw(size) return draws
[docs] def trigger_update(self, interval=None): """ Decide whether to trigger a proposal update. :param interval: Interval between proposal updates. If ``None``, no updates will be done. If ``"auto"``, acceptances are split in half and checked for consistency (see :meth:`consistent_acceptance_rate`). If an ``int``, the proposal will be updated every `interval` iterations. :returns: ``bool`` indicating whether a proposal update is due. """ trigger = False if interval is None: trigger = False elif interval == 'auto': trigger = not self.consistent_acceptance_rate() elif isinstance(interval, int): if self.iterations % interval == 0: trigger = True else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected `interval` in `trigger_update`.") return trigger
[docs] def update_proposal(self, p, max_samples=None, **kwargs): """ Update the proposal density with points `p`. :param p: Samples to update the proposal with. :param max_samples: (optional) The maximum number of samples to use for constructing or updating the kde. If a KDE is supplied and adding the samples from it will go over this, old samples are thinned by factors of two until under the limit. :param kwargs: (optional) The rest is passed to the KDE constructor. """ self._updates.append(self.iterations) if self._transd: self._kde = TransdimensionalKDE(p, pool=self.pool, kde=self._kde, max_samples=self._kde_size, **kwargs) else: self._kde = optimized_kde(p, pool=self.pool, kde=self._kde, max_samples=self._kde_size, **kwargs)
@property def failed_p(self): """ Sample that caused the last exception. """ return self._failed_p @property def chain(self): """ Ensemble's past samples, with shape `(iterations, nwalkers, ndim)`. """ return self._chain @property def blobs(self): """ Ensemble's past metadata. """ return self._blobs @property def lnpost(self): """ Ensemble's past posterior probabilities, with shape `(iterations, nwalkers)`. """ return self._lnpost @property def lnprop(self): """ Ensemble's past proposal probabilities, with shape `(iterations, nwalkers)`. """ return self._lnprop @property def updates(self): """ Step numbers where the proposal density was updated. """ return self._updates @property def acceptance(self): """ Boolean array of ensemble's past acceptances, with shape `(iterations, nwalkers)`. """ return self._acceptance @property def acceptance_fraction(self): """ A 1-D array of length :attr:`stored_iterations` of the fraction of walkers that accepted each step. """ return np.mean(self.acceptance, axis=1) @property def acceptance_rate(self): """ An `(nwalkers, )`-shaped array of the windowed acceptance rate for each walker. The size of the window is chosen automatically based on the fraction of acceptances in the ensembles last step. See :meth:`windowed_acceptance_rate` if you want more control. """ return self.windowed_acceptance_rate() @property def autocorrelation_times(self, lookback=None): """ An `nwalkers`-long vector of the estimated autocorrelation time of each walker, estimated using the number of step acceptances over the last `lookback` steps. This function leverages the convenience that the proposal density doesn't functionally depend on walkers' current locations, which means an accepted step *must* be independent. This allows for an analytic estimate of the autocorrelation time :math:\tau that depends only on the acceptance rate .. math:: \tau = \frac{2}{r_\mathrm{acc}} - 1 NOTE: This method can only be used if the chain is being stored. :param lookback: Number of previous steps to use for the autocorrelation time estimates. If ``None``, all steps since last proposal update will be used. """ if lookback is None: lookback = self.iterations - self.updates[-1] # Turn lookback into a negative index to count from the end of the array lookback *= -1 acc_rates = np.mean(self.acceptance[lookback:], axis=0) return 2.0/acc_rates - 1.0
[docs] def windowed_acceptance_rate(self, window=None): """ An `(nwalkers, -1)`-shaped array of the windowed acceptance rate for each walker. :param window: Number of iterations to calculate acceptance rate over. If ``None``, the fraction of accepances across the ensemble's last step are used for scale. """ N = len(self.acceptance) # Use the mean acceptance rate of the last step to set the window if window is None: window = 20 * 1//np.mean(self.acceptance[-1]) rates = np.empty((self.nwalkers, N - window + 1)) weights = np.ones(window)/window for w in range(self.nwalkers): rates[w] = np.convolve(self.acceptance[:, w], weights, 'valid') return rates
[docs] def consistent_acceptance_rate(self, window_size=None, critical_pval=0.05): """ A convenience function for :meth:`burnin` and :meth:`trigger_update`. Returns ``True`` if the number of acceptances each step are consistent with the acceptance rate of the last step. This is done using a chi-squared test. :param window_size: Number of iterations to look back for acceptances. If ``None``, the iteration of the last proposal update (from :attr:`updates`) is used. :param critical_pval: The critial p-value for considering the distribution consistent. If the calculated p-value is over this, then ``True`` is returned. """ if window_size is None: if len(self.updates) == 0: return False else: window_start = self.updates[-1] else: window_start = self.iterations - window_size window_length = self.iterations - window_start # If window is really small, return `consistent` to avoid gratuitous updating consistent = True if window_length > 2: last_acc_rate = self.acceptance_fraction[-1] nacc = self.nwalkers * self.acceptance_fraction[window_start:self.iterations] expected_freqs = last_acc_rate * self.nwalkers * np.ones_like(nacc) _, p_val = chisquare(nacc, expected_freqs) if p_val < critical_pval: consistent = False return consistent
[docs] def rollback(self, iteration): """ Shrink internal arrays down to a length of `iteration` and reset the :attr:`pool` if there is one. This is helpful for keeping things consistent after a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`. """ self._chain = self._chain[:iteration] self._lnpost = self._lnpost[:iteration] self._lnprop = self._lnprop[:iteration] self._acceptance = self._acceptance[:iteration] self._blobs = self._blobs[:iteration]
[docs] def run_mcmc(self, N, p0=None, lnpost0=None, lnprop0=None, blob0=None, **kwargs): """ Iterate :meth:`sample` for `N` iterations and return the result. :param N: The number of steps to take. :param p0: (optional) A list of the initial walker positions. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. If ``None`` and the sampler has been run previously, it'll pick up where it left off. :param lnpost0: (optional) The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnpost0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param lnprop0: (optional) List of log proposal densities for walkers at positions `p0`. If ``lnprop0 is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. :param blob0: (optional) The list of blob data for walkers at positions `p0`. :param kwargs: (optional) The rest is passed to :meth:`sample`. After `N` steps... :returns: * ``p`` - An array of current walker positions with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnpost`` - The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions ``p``, with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``lnprop`` - The list of log proposal densities for the walkers at positions `p`, with shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`. * ``blob`` - (if `lnprobfn` returns blobs) The list of blob data for the walkers at positions `p`. """ m = if p0 is None: if self._last_run_mcmc_result is None: try: p0 = self.chain[-1] if lnpost0 is None: lnpost0 = self.lnpost[-1] if lnprop0 is None: lnprop0 = self.lnprop[-1] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Cannot have p0=None if the sampler hasn't been called.") else: p0 = self._last_run_mcmc_result[0] if lnpost0 is None: lnpost0 = self._last_run_mcmc_result[1] if lnprop0 is None: lnprop0 = self._last_run_mcmc_result[2] if self._kde is not None: if self._last_run_mcmc_result is None and (lnpost0 is None or lnprop0 is None): results = list(m(_GetLnProbWrapper(self._get_lnpost, self._kde, *self._lnpost_args), p0)) if lnpost0 is None: lnpost0 = np.array([r[0] for r in results]) if lnprop0 is None: lnprop0 = np.array([r[1] for r in results]) for results in self.sample(p0, lnpost0, lnprop0, blob0, N, **kwargs): pass # Store the results for later continuation and toss out the blob self._last_run_mcmc_result = results[:3] return results